Move, move, move, …

Move, move, move, …

Make way, make way, make way, we are in an incredible hurry….
We have to run, jump, fly, dive, fall, get up and keep going again….. We can no longer now, we can no longer stand now…”

Perhaps the above text looks familiar to you. They come from the song “Sideways.”
by Herman van Veen from 1979. Last week this text shot through my mind as I ran from one job to another. Everyone (b)seems to be busy and often the answer to the question, How are you doing?

It was also my first thought when I received a reminder from Pion for this column. By the way, it is not bad at all to have something to do. A well-filled calendar or order book is certainly not a punishment. On the other hand, an overcrowded schedule leaves particularly little room for spontaneous things. Let alone keeping enough room for that one really important appointment.

A British psychologist writes in his book “Never Be Too Busy,” “Of course you are busy, because being busy today is easier than making choices. Busyness is a form of laziness”.

In part, I recognize myself in this. Ideally, we would like to help everyone design, build or maintain their garden…but we just can’t. We too have limited capacity that can only be deployed in one place. This is why I try to assess new clients in advance as best I can whether we are a good fit for them and vice versa. This is sometimes very difficult. It is also important to get a picture of the existing situation, requirements and available budget as early as possible.

Finally, it is useful to know the time frame in which the client wants things realized. There are those who think we can get started right away. Sometimes they still succeed, but not when it comes to designing or building a garden. We take our profession uíterst seriously and this requires sufficient attention and therefore: time. I only manage to keep enough time available by making choices. To choose expert personnel, reliable suppliers but also by choosing the right customers. Clients who also take our profession seriously and realize that it takes time in addition to money. Ultimately, you organize your own (garden) happiness with this.

View the projects of Fons Linders Tuinmeesters here

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