Swimming in the light

Swimming in the light

What could be better than taking a few more laps in your own pool on a warm summer evening. For most people, it is a dream come true when they vacation abroad. But for some people, it is a dream come true every day. The latter group of people are increasingly turning to us to change the look of their gardens. Of course, we do so with love and pleasure.

Every light creation is unique
In one garden a century-old beech tree is the eye-catcher, in another the hedge of rhododendrons, and in yet another it is the swimming pond or pool. Every garden has something unique. That uniqueness of that garden comes alive in the dark with our light creations. Therefore, the end result is always special. Outdoor lighting matched to its surroundings, connecting the indoor living experience to the outdoors. With the feel of a tropical rainforest; a matter of the right lights in the right places. Here, our aim is to achieve the wow effect with as few lights as possible. That’s what Rainforest Lighting does.

Blending pools into the overall garden experience
A pool that lights up the entire garden in the dark does not exactly make for an attractive picture. And not only do we think so, but most people with pools know this. During a lighting demonstration, we show, how the pool becomes one with the garden. By the way, a light demonstration is free if you decide to indeed have us change the light on your garden. If you want to swim in the light this year, we advise you not to wait too long to make an appointment. Indeed, at this time of the year it is very busy.

View Rainforest Lighting’s projects here

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