OOCLOCK is a completely new and exclusive clock concept. With its impressive 70 cm diameter and 3 rotating rings it is an absolutely silent witness of time.

Developed by a small team of enthusiastic technology developers and designers, we have created a clock which will last a lifetime. It does not need any maintenance, and setting the time is easily done using the clock’s wifi connection.

The hands of the clock are made from top class materials. Available in a range of colors, beautiful metal oxides, and even an exclusive gold-plated model.

Industrial design by René Holten, OOCLOCK is a product of 2Creatics by Gidy Knoors and Matthijs Hajer.

OOCLOCK will be presented at the Dutch Design Week as part of the “SHINE by EMBRACING EXCHANGE” exhibition.

Website: www.ooclock.design
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ooclockdesign

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