Remote dimmable garden lighting
Nowadays, I am frequently asked if my light creations can also be controlled remotely. The answer is … yes. It is even possible to dim the lights with a special app. The next question is whether it is complicated to make this happen. No, it isn’t. A matter of installing the app and it’s taken care of. So there is no need to purchase a separate home automation system for the dimmable garden lights if one is not already in place. With my clients who do already have such a system, it makes sense to include dimming the garden lights.
The DALI system
There are several manufacturers that offer a solution for remote dimmable lighting. They work on the basis of the DALI system. DALI stands for Digital Addressable Lighting Interface. An international standard for communication between lighting controllers and light sources. This system allows you to have control over all the LED lights in the garden. So the complete garden lighting system.
5-year warranty
By combining DALI with the cables, fixtures and lamps of leading European brands, I can be sure that the garden lighting works perfectly under all conditions. You are also assured of optimal light output over the years. And to leave nothing to chance, we provide a 5-year warranty. For you as a customer, this means maximum security. Especially if you also take advantage of our maintenance plan. Might also be something to consider.
The advantage of dimmable garden lighting
Dimmable lighting offers a number of advantages. Let me give a few other examples. The kids are playing by the pool and some extra light provides more safety or you want to give the driveway a little extra light when you get home in the dark. Or maybe you want to dazzle shrubs with light when they bloom or spotlight a tree in the fall to enjoy its beautiful colors longer. Just some of the possibilities you get with dimmable lighting.
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