

Fiori Project BV
Lovense Kanaaldijk 145
5013 BJ Tilburg

FIORI, Passion for Atmosphere and Green Fingers!

Our silk flowers and plants complemented by a special collection of pots and vases are the basis for our creations. With passion, we select every day the most beautiful materials where design combined with our green fingers give the feeling of sensation.

In accordance with your wishes, we create the most beautiful custom green objects: a blossom tree, a flower arrangement as an eye-catcher or a green wall, all perfectly tailored to the style and function of your interior. Our collections can be described as pure, natural & trendy chic.

Visit our website or one of our showrooms to immerse yourself in the world of top quality semi natural flowers and plants.

Welcome to Fiori, the ambience creators from Tilburg since 1983.

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Luxury living room with designer furniture ,Plant,Vegetation,Potted Plant,Vase,Jar,Pottery,Bush,Door,Herbal,Food, Luxury, Design, Exclusive, Modern, Custom Made, Special, Beautiful
Luxury custom green decoration in Den Bosch
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