Natascha Persoone
Natascha Persoone
Genkersteenweg 442
B-3500 Hasselt
A discreet, yet contemporary look. In person. Soothing. In harmony with the environment. For interior architect Natascha Persoone, being stimulated by people and their environment is an enrichment. She has a penchant for timeless architecture. She finds true wealth in the purity of the things that surround us every day.
Natascha is the driving force behind her engineering office with achievements all over Belgium and abroad. Each time unique interiors that range from classic and rural to contemporary and eclectic. She attaches great importance to a good dialogue with the customer by involving him / her in the construction process as much as possible. In this way, every design is given the opportunity to fully develop to the wishes and needs of the client and the building.
In their concepts they invariably strive for an interior full of warmth, comfort and confidence. The human aspect and quality are paramount. Aesthetics and functionality are inextricably linked. An eye-catcher is often a starting point. This can be a nice color. An art object. Or historical elements. In addition to traditional craftsmanship, they also choose innovative techniques for their realizations. The use of classic proportions, authentic materials and textures, and personal accents creates a visual language that is specific to their portfolio.