Mythbusters: Pivot doors and underfloor heating don’t mix
In the showroom, I am happy to show you the advantages of pivot doors. Pivot hinges pivot to both sides so the steel doors always open in your walking direction. This is especially advantageous if you have your hands full. When I demonstrate the simple controls, I often hear, “But we have underfloor heating.
Where does the misconception come from?
The idea that pivot doors and underfloor heating do not mix comes from the pivot hinge in a floor box or pot. Many contractors know this older system and advise their clients against making or having holes made in the floor where the pipes run. And rightly so of course, you shouldn’t think of hitting a pipe.
Underfloor heating is not a problem
Exclusive Steel’s pivot hinges, however, are made specifically with underfloor heating in mind. This is because the hinge is not built into the floor, but into the lower beam of the door. The pivot door rests with its hinge on a mounting plate. It is mounted with screws only 5 mm long. The underfloor heating runs well below this. So pivot doors and underfloor heating go together easily.
Where does it go wrong?
In the past, the technology of the pivot hinge was about 20 cm below the floor. Later versions of pivot hinges utilize that same space above the floor in the lower beam of the steel pivot door. The width of the lower beam then disturbed the slim lines of the steel door. Innovation solved this aesthetic problem by reducing the height of the hinge to 6 cm. So choose the slimmest pivot hinge possible!
Optimal ease of use
Pivot doors you want mainly for ease of operation. You use a pivot door simply by walking through it and letting the door fall shut behind you. With a gentle zoof, it closes automatically. No more annoyance: ‘Close the door behind you!‘. You can slam a pivot door as hard as you want, but it will never give a hard bang. Puberproof? What’s also nice is that you can open pivot doors to both sides at a 90-degree angle. The steel doors stay nicely in view and the space looks inviting.
Let’s meet!
Want to know more? Then come to our steel workshop. We can then look at a pivot hinge together from the bottom of a steel door. Once a pivot door is installed, you no longer have that option. You can then also meet the craftsmen who make your steel doors and see how they do it.
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