Trees as characteristic works of art

Trees as characteristic works of art

Trees largely determine the atmosphere and character of a garden. Therefore, it is important to pay close attention to choosing the right trees in the right place. However, there are many other factors involved in choosing trees. To name a few: Flowering and fall color, available space both above and below ground. The location including soil type, soil moisture and also the amount of wind the tree tolerates.

Excluding selected trees
As a designer, I see solitary, iconic trees as “green sculptures” that I want my clients to enjoy for years to come. I often select the most characterful specimens with my clients at top nurseries at home and abroad. In doing so, as a specialist, I look beyond the moment of planting. The tree should be able to continue developing for many years after planting.

Instantly enjoy a mature garden
In new construction projects – especially if it is an entirely new neighborhood or large yard – planting a few large, more mature trees immediately gives an outdoor space a mature and authentic feel that would otherwise sometimes have to wait decades. Immediate enjoyment!

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